Archery initiation


Horizontal pole archery

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 36 - 38, Ronse

First you'll receive an explanation about the history of St Sebastian's Guild and how to use a bow and arrow. Then it's time for an archery initiation. Every guest can try a few shots under the expert guidance of an experienced archer.

Practical details:

  • Bows are available for women and children.
  • The duration of the initiation depends on the number of archers (min. 1 hr)
  • The initiation is free if you order a meal and give a symbolic euro to the guild.
  • Not possible on Wednesdays
  • Info and reservations: St Sébastien,
  • Tel +32(0)55 21 38 66, Mobile +32(0)472 40 42 41,